Get married at Saltcote Place by applying here
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Apply to get married here

We are accepting applications for 2024 and 2025 only.


Congratulations on your decision to tie the knot! Amidst the myriad options for wedding venues, Saltcote Place in Rye stands out as a bespoke, unhurried, privately owned gem. We pride ourselves on curating unforgettable experiences for discerning couples who value exclusivity and personalization.


Unlike commercial venues, where the focus will be on meeting quotas and maximising profit, Saltcote Place operates on a different ethos. To ensure an intimate and personalised experience, we have a selective application process, we understand our venue isn’t for everyone.


Our ideal couples are typically over the age of 30, often retired, embodying warmth, charm, and genuine connection. When you celebrate your special day with us, you can expect to be surrounded by like-minded individuals, creating an atmosphere of genuine joy and camaraderie.


Renowned for our meticulous attention to detail, we ensure that every wedding at Saltcote Place is executed flawlessly. Whether you’re planning an intimate elopement or a grand celebration, we tailor everything to suit your needs.


Your journey with us begins with a simple email outlining your vision for your big day. Upon receiving your inquiry, we’ll promptly reach out to schedule a chat to discuss your unique requirements further. From there, we’ll arrange a time for you to visit us and envision your dream wedding coming to life.


At Saltcote Place, we limit ourselves to hosting just 10 larger weddings each year with Marquees. This deliberate choice on our part allows us to dedicate our full attention to each couple, ensuring that every moment is nothing short of magical.


Ready to begin? Apply to get married at Saltcote. Please email us to describe your ideal event including the number of guests, your ages and explain how you want your ideal Celebration to evolve


We will not see anyone at the gates without an appointment and would ask that visitors do not drive on the grass.

Email: celebrate at

Phone: 01797 222 220